Freshly painted, freshly stocked.
Posted by: Amanda Dennis -

It's rushing towards the end of November. Does everyone else think it has come around so quickly this year? And today is Black Friday, which I have to admit we do not join in with We do however see a lot of customers in the afternoon looking for a more pleasurable shopping experience after spending the morning in the bigger shops, where people are fighting over discounted goods!

Our home, Piccadilly Arcade has recently undergone a refurbishment - new lighting, all repainted, sleek new glass doors and every shop within the arcade has the same colour frontage. It all looks very smart ! And just as it was all finished the Christmas lights went up, so it looks smart AND sparkly!

We are all stocked up for you to come and buy your Christmas gifts and cards.
You will find everything from the smallest pair of stud earrings to a large cuddly Mammoth Jellycat! We may get busy but we do our best to continue to offer the personal touch we pride ourselves on.

Where else could you find a flamingo egg cup,

Vintage silver napkin rings,

beautiful and unusual silver jewellery

and a bronze of three penguins ?
Variety is the spice of life and we have plenty of it !
Come pay us a visit or click on our website (also refurbished)
Future blogs will feature gift ideas for the more difficult members of your family.......